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Creating urban living opportunities in a medium-density format significantly reduces the damaging effects of urban sprawl on the environment.  Land is one of our most precious resources and is essentially non-renewable.


'REDUCE' and 'REUSE' are the 2 main principles of environmental sustainability.   These 2 elements are key components of Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) principles in architecture and development. 



In the development and architectural context, reduction is about optimisation to the point of effectiveness.   At Prospect, site planning and floor planning are meticulous processes that eliminate unnecessary, unused space and building features so that building footprints are optimised, landscaping areas increased, and in the process, unnecessary material and expense is removed.   



Reuse is about re-purposing valuable land resources in a way that realises their highest and best use.  This means creating townhouse and apartment buildings that have a positive impact on their context, are highly liveable and also represent a financially sustainable outcome for owners, residents, investors and developers.  Reuse can often mean keeping and renovating existing buildings with significant historical value and integrating them into a project. 


Good building design incorporates other ESD principles to help create highly liveable and enduring built form outcomes.   Some of these ESD features include :

  • Rainwater Retention

  • Solar power

  • On-site composting

  • Screening and solar control

  • Site and building planning to optimise orientation

  • Cross ventilation

  • Natural lighting

  • Thermal Mass

  • High-performance glazing

  • Smart wall systems

  • Energy-efficient fixtures

  • Energy-efficient appliances

  • Green switches and time activated lighting

  • Reducing the need for cars 

© 2024 by Prospect Architecture


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